About Me
AnnMarie Young is a 24-year-old artist currently living in Anchorage, Alaska pursuing a career as a full-time painter. She graduated in May, 2021 from The University of Texas at Austin with her BFA in Studio Art with an emphasis in painting.
AnnMarie’s subject matter and technical skills are constantly progressing. In her first year of painting classes she quickly found herself drawn to landscape work. After becoming trained with oil paints, many of her first landscape paintings reimagined West Texas and Arizona scenes in a style that reflected Neo-impressionist and Fauvist movements. Most recently AnnMarie’s work is connected to her travels and experiences made within them.
AnnMarie has shown work in the Western gallery, the Visual Arts Center on UT campus, East Austin Studio Tours, Zilker’s Art in the Park, and has had several solo art shows at galleries in Alaska. Starting her freshman year at UT she was an intern for ArtStartArt, an online arts marketplace platform, for over a year and a half where she was able to develop commercial skills needed to be a self-supporting artist. She has since sold work to all 50 US States and 20+ international countries.
In July 2020 she attended a month long artist’s residency program in a remote village of Northern Iceland where she painted 52 unique, watercolor postcards of Icelandic landscapes. This project planted the seed to be able to launch into her career as a full time artist.
Upon graduating in 2021, she continued her postcard project in Alaska. She lived in a log cabin during the summer and fell in love with Alaska way of life. She bought a converted van in 2022 to drive from Texas to Alaska and live in during the warmer months. Once it got too cold to sleep in a van, she decided to establish a more permanent residence in Alaska and currently resides in Anchorage.
In the future, AnnMarie’s goals include more art related travel, expanding her social media presence, holding her own exhibition shows, and creating a space to meet collector's in person.
The best ways to keep up with AnnMarie’s most current work and projects are to follow her on Instagram/Tiktok and subscribe to her email list.
In the Media
Listen on Spotify to AnnMarie’s interview on @the_wildlife_experience
They discuss aspects of her art career, including how she once used her artwork to raise conservation funds, her experiences in wild places such as Alaska, her budding interest in herping and other outdoor pursuits, over-looked endangered species, the lack of public land in Texas, and related topics.ailability, style, or even provide a review.
Listen on Spotify to AnnMarie’s 2021 interview on Paige’s Pod.
They talk about art school, social media, and Alaska.